50m or more stack installed

Industrial Stack installed in the power plant

By YB chimney   03/04/2024

For those people that have never had the chance to see a  watch this:  Its very entertaining and shows the complexity of the chimney.

 The steel stack is usually constructed as a free standing steel stack. Via a foundation and anchor bolts the free standing steel stack can be erected without influencing buildings etc. Our product range includes steel stacks for all industries, and our plants meet any requirement for steel stacks designed and produced for exacting industrial use in widely different industries such as:

  • Steel stacks for power plants and district heating plants

  • Steel stacks for waste incineration plants

  • Steel stacks for gas turbines and diesel power plants

  • Steel stacks for petrochemical and chemical plants

  • Steel stacks for paper mills and cellulose plants

  • Steel stacks for steelworks, mineral works and glassworks

  • Steel stacks for concrete and tile works

  • Steel stacks for industrial plants

  • Steel stacks for ventilation and ventilation plants

Our skilled and professional engineers develop and design solutions to meet the specific operating conditions. The most frequently used solutions are:

www.industrychimney.net and www.ybchimney.com

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